Site specific species list
Nursery recommendations
Site specific species list
Nursery recommendations
Site preparation plan
Maintenance timeline
Budget estimation
Site specific species list
Nursery recommendations
Site preparation plan
Maintenance timeline
Educational flora board
One site visit (travel expenses not incl)
Next steps
Review existing data/reports
One site visit (travel expenses not incl)
Initial site vegetation assessment includes findings, recommendations, photos, maps
Site specific species list
Nursery recommendations
Educational flora board
One site visit (travel expenses not incl)
Vegetation Management Plan* which includes: goal setting and objectives; planting and maintenance guidelines; species lists, monitoring and evaluation; maps; photos and budget and resource allocation
Educational flora board
Two site visits (travel expenses not incl)
Prices based on 18-hole golf courses. Additional cost for hole-by-hole plan
Blue banded bee
Social media and education package
Educational signage design
Social media campaigns
Content assistance for environmental section on website
Member and volunteer workshops
Initial site vegetation audit & recommendation report
Unlimited phone and email correspondence
Site specific species list
Plant procurement and nursery liaison
Staff education, training and assistance
Site preparation document
Maintenance timelines
Yearly audit
Grant research
Educational flora board
Member update (twice per year)
Two site visits per year (travel expenses not incl)
Green Tree Frog
Initial site vegetation audit & recommendation report
Unlimited phone and email correspondence
Site specific species list
Plant procurement and nursery liaison
Staff education, training and assistance
Site preparation document
Stakeholder liaison
Yearly audit
Grant research, application assistance
Educational flora board
Quarterly member update
Four site visits per year (travel expenses not incl)
Images by Monina Gilbey, except for: Kennedia by Kate Torgersen and Green Tree Frog by Jacob Devine, iNaturalist, CC
​© Green Gecko Studios 2023 - Except as permitted by the copyright law applicable to you, you may not reproduce or communicate any of the content on this website, including files downloadable from this website, without the permission of the copyright owner.